Should I Fix My Washing Machine Or Just Buy A New One?

David Watson • Apr 16, 2024

Is it time to get rid of my washing machine?

A good washing machine is like a member of the family, always there when you need them, until one day they act out of the ordinary! When I was born we had what was called a twin tub, then when I was around 7 or 8 a brand new AEG automatic washing machine arrived! My mother was delighted and for my brother, sister and I it was like watching TV!

That same washing machine saw my 18th, 21st and my 30th! I can remember at least two repairs, both door seals I think. Then one day came when the noises changed and there was an oiled bearing burning smell. Big Dilema! Do we kill the family washing machine or do we call in the surgeon, AKA the washing machine repairman? His name incidentally was Bob, and he went to our local pub - The Fishermans Rest in Belper!

Of course, what helped was that the washing machine was a very good make and even by the standards of the day, very expensive. So, the first way to answer the question of whether you should repair or replace your washing machine is - was it any good in the first place? You can buy a new , run-of-the-mill washing machine for around £400, or invest anything upto £2,000 or even more if you're looking at the very top end! But in general you get what you pay for, and that may determine whether you should go for the repair or a replacement.

Secondly, it depends on the nature of the fault. These days the screen throws up all sorts of error codes, and if like me you have thrown away the manual, then you will need to ask an expert! Cue the 'Washing Machine Repair Man' - AKA Tony who since 1979 has made it his life's mission to ensure that less of our family friends end up in the big washing machine cloud in the sky and remain faithful servants for many years to come! Tony is one of the Keep Me Card's approved members and you can find out more about his 5-star Google rated services here on our website.

One further consideration is the environmental one. Many seem to have become fatigued with this subject and my feeling is that washing manufacturers manufacture washing machines to just about last the warranty. I could  be wrong and probably should have prefaced that remark with "allegedly", however I think it might be true. We live in a throw-away society, which let's face it cannot be good. So, if you want one more reason to fix your machine rather than murder it, then here it is!

OK, so you want to know what happened to our family washing machine, the one that saw us all through childhood and beyond? RIP little fella!

For more information about The Washing Machine Repair Man, please visit his website here: or call Tony on 07810 183530.

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